
More from this summer. A few clips from a camera we set up at a Kestrel nest. The male arrives wtih a bank vole; female swoops in and makes off with it; as if that wasn't enough, the chicks try to grab his tail as he hops away; the female then returns to feed the chicks. This behaviour is typical - the female is the one in charge of feeding the chicks, and by taking the prey away from the male she makes sure he doesn't stick around and goes back to hunting.
Unos vídeos de una cámara que instalamos en un nido de cernícalos. El macho llega con un topillo, y aparece la hembra para quitarselo. Los pollos se apuntan y tratan de estirarle de la cola. Poco después vuelve la hembra y empieza a repartir la comida. Es una pauta bastante típica - la hembra es la que alimenta a los pollos y así se asegura que el macho no se entretiene y sale a cazar nuevamente.

Another delivery. Just uploading this one for the male's look of 'confusion' once the prey is taken from him..
(sorry for anthropomorphising!)
Otro aporte de presa. La aparente 'confusión' del macho tras irse la hembra no tiene pérdida...
(perdón por antropomorfizar!)
And last, one of the chicks being clumsy in the nest and then "practicing" their hunting skills on the pellets in the nest.
Y para acabar, los pollos demostrando bastante torpeza y "practicando" la caza con las egagrópilas acumuladas en el nido.


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